The Ultimate Skincare Starter Guide For Men

More men are now embracing the idea of taking good care of their skin to look younger and fitter. While they may not go for a lot of products, they are willing to spend on a few that would make the ladies stare.
More men are now embracing the idea of taking good care of their skin to look younger and fitter. While they may not go for a lot of products, they are willing to spend on a few that would make the ladies stare.

For most men, skincare is an alien topic. Scratch off the occasional application of body creams and you’re left with dry wooden skin. And the million and one skincare products that are available in the market are not also helping matters. Perhaps that’s why men don’t even bother to go through the stress of getting one that works. 

You see, men, as well as women, want the same thing – to look our very best. From the softest and smoothest skin to the whitest teeth, looking our very best has always been our priority.

Unsurprisingly, good skincare is the secret to getting rid of most of the common skin issues of men like acne and wrinkles. For effective skincare, using just any soap lying in your bathroom is not going to cut it. Like anything worthwhile, you have to put in the work and be consistent. You are not going to find the perfect products for your skin immediately but you must be willing to keep at it until you do. 

And now, things are changing in the men’s cabinet. More men are now embracing the idea of taking good care of their skin to look younger and fitter. While they may not go for a lot of products, they are willing to spend on a few that would make the ladies stare. 

When it comes to skincare, the trick is, the most expensive is not always better. Your skin determines what will eventually work for you. But don’t let the price keep you from looking your best, buddy. After all, looking good is good business. Because the right products is an investment in your appearance and health. 

You see, skincare for men is not as daunting as it’s made to seem. With the right cleansers, creams, serums, and moisturizers, you’re off to an excellent start. 

But because I know how confusing it can be for a newbie, thanks to the sheer volume of skincare products out there, below is a simple guide to the best skincare products for men that will make a big difference in your appearance. 

Facial Cleanser

Everyone you meet sees your face before they notice any other part of your body. Although having a squeaky clean face might seem like the dream, it might result in your face being stripped of essential oils. To avoid this, use only facial cleansers that have some salicylic acid with moisturizing ingredients to keep your face moisturized. You can start with Fresh Soy Face Cleanser which can be procured from any corner shop.


For most men, their biggest turn off with moisturizers is the way it feels on their skin. That gloppy feeling is never interesting on the skin. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t moisturizers out there your skin would love. So go look for them. 

Under the scorching heat of the sun, moisturizers will keep your skin from feeling dry while maintaining moisture to keep you looking fresh always. Age Rescue Face Lotion is an amazing moisturizer and recommended until you find what works for you. 

An extra tip is to wear a moisturizer before going to bed (ones containing retinol). I know it sounds crazy but your skin does a lot of rebuilding at night while asleep. So helping your skin with the rebuilding by applying some nighttime moisturizer will do you a lot of good. Trust me. It doesn’t have to be a different moisturizer from the one you use during the day but having a different one is boss. 

Chemical Exfoliator

The same way dead leaves fall off a tree, our skin too, gets rid of dead skin cells regularly. These dead skins often prevent these moisturizers and skincare products from working effectively. So having a chemical exfoliator in your bathroom cabinet is the way to go. 

Take care not to use harsh exfoliators that will end up damaging your skin. Look for exfoliators containing alpha hydroxyl acid. These types, unlike scrubs that can be very harsh, gently remove dead cells. A good place to start is with the Ready Steady Glow Daily AHA Tonic which you can conveniently get from LookFantastic for a few bucks. 

Looking to play in the big leagues? Below are still some amazing skincare products every man should have in his cabinet:

  • Shower gel
  • Lip balm
  • Toner
  • Sunscreen 
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner 
  • Cologne 
  • Eye cream 

The hair is another often overlooked part of the body. But with the right shampoo, you can turn things around. Other than helping to get rid of buildup, it also helps to keep your hair soft and shining. 

You see, having good and glowing skin is not only for the ladies as you have come to see and it doesn’t cost an arm or a leg to make the necessary changes to your skin. 

All these skincare products above can be procured from any corner shop. So you practically have no excuse anymore for not looking your best. 

Victor Ocheni
Victor Ocheni is a Nigerian-based freelance book editor and writing instructor. He's also an adventure, travel, fitness, tech, and health writer for several national publications. When he's not reading, he's definitely writing or spending some time with nature. He is also working on his first fiction novel, set in his native country Nigeria.